Expense Requests

This backlog is for expense approvals; the purpose of the repo is to streamline how new purchases are requested, to improve transparency of what is being expensed company-wide, and to help us forecast more accurately (for larger expenses, we may assign to an upcoming month or quarter, dependant on company financials).

When adding a proposed expense for you or your team, it should be first discussed with the team as a whole, or with your manager before adding.

Use the board for:

  • purchase requests above the £100 as laid out in the Expenses policy
  • purchase requests for teams
  • subscription purchases
  • office/computer equipment (new purchases & upgrades, this includes mobile phones)
  • in-policy travel/Professional Development/Community requests over £100
  • all out-of-policy travel/Professional Development/Community requests

Please open a GitHub issue in the expenses repo using the appropriate issue template; issues opened there post directly into #company-admin in Slack so that the finance team see them as soon as possible.

  • In the title include
    • the product/service
    • the total cost
  • In the issue itself include
    • an explanation of what and why it’s needed
    • how urgent it is and what the cost breakdown is
    • if it’s been discussed and approved by your manager
    • add your team tag (and region tag if it’s a department/team level expense)

We’ll monitor the board regularly and let you know if more information is needed. If it’s really urgent (i.e. you need a response within 7 days), please add the ‘urgent’ milestone to the issue.

Finance will be monitoring the board, and approved expenses will be marked as such. Feel free to ping in #company-admin if anything is unclear or you need something approving asap.

If the expense is approved, you can go ahead and purchase and expense (for equipment over £500 or equivalent, we will purchase for you). You can also request credit card details if you do not want to purchase personally.