“How I work” documents

In your Slack Profile you should notice a field called “How I like to work”. We use this to link to a document where we write up how we like to work. Check out a few profiles and read how they like to work.

Tom’s Slack profile

You can copy this template into your own repo (h/t to Chris Reynolds)

While you’re logged into GitHub with your HM profile, copy it to your account using the ‘Fork’ button in top right of your page. The page will refresh to your copy and to edit it, click the Edit button at the top of the page and then add your content.

For those who aren’t familiar with markdown or HTML code, it may look a little intimidating, but what you’ll first see is that the author has made some hidden comments to help, everything between these symbols <!-- --> won’t be published. If you want to un hide the notes, then just delete <!-- -->

If you don’t want to use GitHub to host your how I work doc, you can also complete one in Google Docs and share to ‘those who have the link’ and post that link in your Slack profile.

Some cool uses for “How I like to work”

  1. Starting a new project? Read the “How I like to work” docs for the rest of your team.
  2. Giving someone 360 feedback? Read their “how I like to work” doc and see if it matches up to your experience of how you’ve seen them work.
  3. Unsure when someone will be around to respond to your message? Check the doc.
  4. Not sure how to interpret something someone has written to you? Perhaps they say something about their communication preferences in their doc that could help?

Here’s a direct link to Tom’s.