Engineering Manager

As an Engineering Manager you are expected to be responsible for the wellbeing and ongoing professional development of everyone on your team. The role of Engineering Manager is a support role, and your goal should be to help anyone who reports to you excel in their job. You will be the primary point of contact for them to come to with any difficulties that they are facing. You should have a thorough knowledge of the challenges of working in engineering, delivering projects to clients, and of the unique problems of remote work. You should be able to identify problems as they arise, addressing them yourself, or bringing them to the CTO, CEO, Director of Engineering or Director of People Operations when necessary.

You should be an excellent communicator, both written and verbal. You will be expected to gather feedback on anyone you support; you should be able to synthesize that feedback and be comfortable delivering it in a constructive manner.

Engineering Managers will continue to do client and other development work but in a reduced capacity. While it is not required that you be an expert in every technology used at Human Made, you should have a broad knowledge of them so that you are able to support and direct members of your team in their ongoing professional development. You will help your team members identify where there are gaps in their skills and be proactive about finding opportunities for them to learn. You will develop a thorough knowledge of Human Made’s engineering track and help your team acquire the skills they need to reach the next level.


  • Broad understanding of technologies used by Human Made, e.g. WordPress, react, APIs etc
  • Excellent communication and organisational skills
  • able to identify an individual’s areas for improvement
  • able to gather feedback and deliver it to team members
  • confident addressing interpersonal issues
  • experienced in a remote working environment


  • Perform check-ins and 1:1s
  • Review 360 feedback with your direct reports
  • Gather and provide professional feedback to all reports from their respective project teams
  • Support reports in professional development of skills and learning
  • Assist individuals with goal setting for career and technical growth
  • Represent your engineering team in meta-level discussions such as team structure, wellbeing, and professional development.
  • Take an active role in identifying gaps in engineering knowledge and steering training as required. 
  • Catch up regularly with the Allocations Manager to review allocations for your reports, including discussing fit for upcoming projects, skills, and other project allocation considerations.