N.B. A Trello ‘Workspace’ used to be called a ‘Team’
We have several Trello Workspaces as Trello has a limit of 10 open boards per Workspace (unless you pay for Business Class, which we don’t currently).
The main Human Made Workspace is reserved for templates or company-wide boards. Try not to create new boards on this team. If you do, someone might ping you asking you to move it elsewhere.
If you need to create a new Trello board then either create a new Trello Workspace just for your group (for example you might create a Trello Workspaces for the Marketing Team, or just for a particular client project). Alternatively, you can just create a private board and invite people directly to it.
- If you need the rest of your team/group to be able to see all boards without adding them specifically to each board then create a team.
- If you just need people to have access to the board then just invite them directly to it.
If you do create a Trello Workspace then please add it to the list below along with your name so people know who to contact to get added.
Trello Workspaces
- 🔒 Human Made (Siobhan)
- 🔒 Client Services (Petya)
Closing boards
Boards can only be closed/archived by the board admin (indicated by the double ^ chevron on their avatar) so if you want a board closed to make space for more, you need to ask them to either make you an admin for that board, or ask them to close it themselves.