To add a feed from a particular H2 to a Slack channel please follow these steps:
- In the Slack channel go to Channel Settings and select the Integrations tab
- Within the “Apps” panel, click the “Add apps” link
- You will be sent to the Slack website. In the search box, search for Incoming Webhooks.
- You will see many results which look identical. Click “View” on any of them, or scroll to the bottom and click “Install” on the result “From the App Directory”
- The app configuration will open in your browser. Click the green Add to Slack button below the large app icon
- Fill the required fields for the setup (what channel, username of bot, etc) and copy the Webhook URL
- On the H2, you need the Slack plugin activated (You need to be be proxied to see the Plugins menus on the H2.)
- Once it’s activated, go to Slack Integrations > Add new
- In the Service URL field, add the Webhook URL you copiedĀ in step 3
- Fill the remaining fields and choose the events you’d like to send updates for
- Check the Active checkbox
- Save
- Once you save, test the integration
You’re done!